At the helm of the business is Warren Smith who has demonstrated skill in delivering results, analysing and developing business metrics, and critically identifying risks. Directly responsible for leading company-wide strategic planning, growth initiatives, new business initiatives, and LS International’s cross-continent partnership programme and investment partnership strategy, he propels the business’ innovation and productivity through the fusion of a strategic long-term vision with short-term deliverables.
Together with the executive team, he helps define LS International’s strategic objectives portfolio to the programme management, with a view to ensuring collaboration through an integrated approach. In previous roles, Warren served as Director: New Business Development, Director: Strategic Development, and Head of Operations: Business & Strategic Development (International Division) in top-tier organisations around the world. During his tenure at these organisations, he was responsible for development with a focus on acquisitions, technology integration and the implementation of business plans, and the penetration of new markets.
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